Saturday, October 11, 2008


I am not going for the dinner tmr *sobs*
My mum decided to bring my grandparents instead.
I had wanted to go tengok-tengok..
to go and be a busy-body,
and see how ppl decorate their ballrooms,
how ppl run their events, etc...

Oh well, my not going means more time to read PP1...
go peas go~~~

Aside from that as I was reading TheStar paper this morning,
(yes, I still read TheStar although it's politically biased,
simply because I like reading their section 2, where the comic strips are ;p)

In the paper, I saw a girl who looked a bit like DawnYang, posing with her book.
Sadly it wasn't her, but a 17 year old girl called MayZhee who published her second book.
(so geng..I wish I could write and publish a book too!!! haha..)

Okay...... maybe she doesn't look exactly like DawnYang,
but I can feel the "dawnyang-like aura".

I got a feeling that this MayZhee girl,
will most likely grow up to be an exact duplicate of DawnYang,
with the big black eyes, and fair smooth skin.
Plus, she'll most likely be sexy too. ;p
So cheers to Malaysia's own DawnYang! ;p

Don't ask me why I was reading these two blogs when I should be studying my PP1.
Don't remind me that my exam is less than 48 hours away.
Don't remind me that it's the semester where many seniors have attempted and failed.

I wanna talk about DawnYang and MayZhee, can I?

Oh well, I am. I don't care if it's free publicity for them.
But I find it amusing that both of them have anti-fan clubs.
A blog dedicated to bad-mouthing them.

DawnYang's anti blog is DawnWayang.
( I wonder whether they know what wayang means in malay...hmm..)

MayZhee's anti blog is IHateMayZhee.

Apparently DawnYang underwent surgery to make her forehead erm..prettier?
and some other surgeries, which I forgot.
I spent a few hours reading DawnWayang and found it entertaining.
They even have picture of DawnYang 10 years ago,
and how she got prettier and prettier after getting surgery.
And I started to wonder, maybe it's an anti-club, made by DawnYang herself to get more publicity? haha...I'm just saying la...

Now I wonder whether KenneySia has an anti-kennysia fan club ;p

Whee, back to mugging for PP1 ;p

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