Saturday, December 09, 2006

The Pink Squid + Brown-haired girl

I finally got my darn hair coloured! At first the junior-stylist(or the more accurate term is a 3rd month hairstylist student) wanted to colour my hair a rich dark brown to make my hair look 'healthy'.

Yes u read correctly, she said healthy. Which indirectly means my hair is currently in an unacceptable condition; dry and messy and BAD, or in other words it LOOKS n FEEL like those weeds or 'lalang' in our fields.

However, I wanted to colour it brown and since the customer is ALWAYS right, she obliged. Thus, her words came true n my hair ended up looking more lalang-like than ever. Sheesh -_-''

Okay, maybe I exaggerate a little too often. Honestly my hair doesnt look 'that' bad; at least that's what my friends told me. But, the one true fact is that I seriously need to get my hair treated. And from the pic, u can tell my fringe looks weird.
The obvious answer is because I am jz too lazy to style it.

That's why once Chinese New Year is over, I'll definately chop off the whole permed section. Natural hair is by far the best! I can comb it, tie it and most importantly, NOT put so much effort in styling it. Hhahaha XD

After I got my hair coloured, my friends, Ah Li ,Ah Hui and I ended up in RedBox to sing our hearts out! Its been months since my last karaoke session and so after 3 hours of singing I lost half of my voice.*sobs*
And my singing to me is actually:

Singing = Off-pitch screaming + Humming off tune

To make matters worse, I usually sing wrongly bcoz I cant read chinese characters -_-'' *sigh*

Halfway through, Ning n Ben came n joined the fun =) Which there after was followed by dinner at MCD. Hahhaha... Of course, dinner at a fastfood outlet is nothing compared to the scrumptious meal Ning, Ben, Ah Li and I had in Tomy Roma's exactly a week ago in the exact same mall.

^grilled chicken^

^mahi mahi fillet^

^even the drinks look good^

Well, the sad thing is right after I took the pic of my drink, I broke the glass and caused one of the waitress to cut her hand while picking up the pieces. BUT, since I was the birthday girl on that day, I guess all is forgiven. Kekeke^^ but I do feel a bit guilty about it...

One mroe thing, I got this super cute pinky squid from my friends as my birthday present! Hehehe^^


Now, ain't she cute?

Since it's a squid, I'll name her Sotong The Pinky Squid! Sounds like a name of a character in some Disney animation huh? LoL^^

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