blog is officially 5 years old!
This was my first post ever! [here]
It has stood the test of time, witnessed my growing up as a kid in college till today, my life as a working adult.
It has seen the changes that happened to me, from me shoulder-length straightened hair, to brown curls, to untamed hair, to short hair, and now back to straightened hair.
It has seen me through my previous love relationships.
It has been my source of ramblings, from me getting angry, sad and through my happiness.
It has changed with me from the first day i started blogging
from love, life and happiness
to peas on the run
to peas in scotland
to wene-ism.
Thank You for being with me my dear not-so-private bloggie :)
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Monday, March 14, 2011
the hospital life
Hello bloggie,
I know I haven't blogged in ages. Once again it's due to my procrastination and added up with the lack of things to blog about.
But this time around I have something to share.
As you all know I'm working as a pharmacist in a government hospital.
Prior to being attached to the hospital ward, I dreaded it a LOT.
Two weeks down the line, post-medical ward, I think I'm starting to like ward.
Like, not because I get to see loads of sick people. But like because there's so much to learn and see there.
For instance, I saw how a doctor told family members straight to their face that their loved one is going to pass away. You know that in movies, doctors are portrayed to be emphatic and break the news in a nice way, this one didn't. It was a plain fact spoken plainly:
"Dia sudah tak boleh hidup lama. Pakai ubat-ubat pun tak ada guna sebab semua organ dia sudah rosak, sangat menderita punya. Hidup pun akan susah."
The doctor left and family members started coming into ward to say their final goodbyes with teary eyed.
I personally think that the news could have been broken in a softer manner, but the fact still remains that death is something that everyone goes thru. That's a fact of life.
Passing of lives happen a lot in the hospital.
The hospital term for these patients are : expired.
Yes, when patients expire, it means they died in ward.
Never would I thought that I'll end up in a hospital whereby patients come and go every few days (if they're lucky). Thank goodness i'm not a doctor. They see way more death than I do. I don't think anyone in the right mind can actually stand seeing so much death in their life.
Then there are touching stories whereby an old chinese aunty accompanied her ill husband in the hospital. When the nurses served her husband meal, she eats her home-cooked food brought in her own metal container. You can always observe a few couples like that in the hospital. A malay pakcik sitting next to his wife all day, keeping her company. Though they don't seem to talk to each other much, at least they have each others' company. Seeing such couples make me happy, because they show that love is indeed a great gift. They are living examples of the marriage vow:
through thick or thin, till death do us part
I know I haven't blogged in ages. Once again it's due to my procrastination and added up with the lack of things to blog about.
But this time around I have something to share.
As you all know I'm working as a pharmacist in a government hospital.
Prior to being attached to the hospital ward, I dreaded it a LOT.
Two weeks down the line, post-medical ward, I think I'm starting to like ward.
Like, not because I get to see loads of sick people. But like because there's so much to learn and see there.
For instance, I saw how a doctor told family members straight to their face that their loved one is going to pass away. You know that in movies, doctors are portrayed to be emphatic and break the news in a nice way, this one didn't. It was a plain fact spoken plainly:
"Dia sudah tak boleh hidup lama. Pakai ubat-ubat pun tak ada guna sebab semua organ dia sudah rosak, sangat menderita punya. Hidup pun akan susah."
The doctor left and family members started coming into ward to say their final goodbyes with teary eyed.
I personally think that the news could have been broken in a softer manner, but the fact still remains that death is something that everyone goes thru. That's a fact of life.
Passing of lives happen a lot in the hospital.
The hospital term for these patients are : expired.
Yes, when patients expire, it means they died in ward.
Never would I thought that I'll end up in a hospital whereby patients come and go every few days (if they're lucky). Thank goodness i'm not a doctor. They see way more death than I do. I don't think anyone in the right mind can actually stand seeing so much death in their life.
Then there are touching stories whereby an old chinese aunty accompanied her ill husband in the hospital. When the nurses served her husband meal, she eats her home-cooked food brought in her own metal container. You can always observe a few couples like that in the hospital. A malay pakcik sitting next to his wife all day, keeping her company. Though they don't seem to talk to each other much, at least they have each others' company. Seeing such couples make me happy, because they show that love is indeed a great gift. They are living examples of the marriage vow:
through thick or thin, till death do us part
hospital life
Saturday, December 18, 2010
7aste New York
Hello New-Yorkers,
Have you had a good night's rest after last night's 7aste party?
Well, I did :)
I got both a good night's rest after a great night out @ Hex & Mayfair, Damansara Perdana!!
It's my first ever 7aste event, and it was truly memorable :)
They've got free flow of Heineken for all members.

They've got a bottle of JD whisky for each VIP (too bad I didn't get one :S)

Great performers to entertain us e.g. Hariz Iskandar
Great DJ to keep the music pumping all night long.

Great company :)

And best of all, all these were given for free.
Yes. You read right. Free.
But how??
I don't know how, ask 7aste :P
All I know is as long as you are a registered 7aste member, all you have to do upon arrival to the venue is to let the pretty ushers read ur MyKad and you're entitled to all the priveleges of being a 7aste member :)
Yes. It is THAT simple.
So what are you waiting for?
Register yourself as a 7aste member today [here],
join their facebook page [here]
and wait for their next event!!

p.s: Just make sure you don't get over you head with the free flow alcohol and end up like this :P

Wednesday, December 08, 2010
The results of the My Selangor Story
It's the official wrap up for the My Selangor Story!!!

Well, I didn't expect to win anything from the contest, and my expectations were correct;
I did not.
But truth be told, I already felt like a winner just by joining the contest. The fact that a small blogger like me was able to participate in such a fun contest, is the greatest prize itself! :D
So here are the list of the 8 prize winners who wrote beautiful blog posts!

Dania(Grand Prize)
Tian Chad (1st R/Up)
Thristhan (2nd R/up)
Nicole (Msxeroz) (Most Creative Blog)
Iman (Eyriqazz) (Most Interactive Blog)
Dylan(Best write-up)
Norman @ KK (Best Video)
Feeq(Best Photos)
Was I disappointed not being one of the people in the pic?
*types the word disappointment in the search bar of my mind*
Nah. Not at all. Most probably I already told myself I wouldn't be winning.
In fact I was more than happy after the results were announced because........
it was time to DIG into GOOD FOOD!!
Yes. Delicious serves DELICIOUS food!
Alrights, and that's a wrap for the MSS story.
It was fun and it was memorable :)
Congratulations to the winners once again, and may we meet again in the near future!! *huggsss*
To the rest who weren't prize winners, sweat not, we're still winners, just no prize *winks*
Wen Yi
*and opps, I just realized I forgot to take my signature "sarangheyo" pose to end this post~~ *sorryyyyy*

Date: 7th December 2010
Venue: Delicious, Marc's Residence, Kuala Lumpur
Venue: Delicious, Marc's Residence, Kuala Lumpur
Well, I didn't expect to win anything from the contest, and my expectations were correct;
I did not.
But truth be told, I already felt like a winner just by joining the contest. The fact that a small blogger like me was able to participate in such a fun contest, is the greatest prize itself! :D
So here are the list of the 8 prize winners who wrote beautiful blog posts!
Dania(Grand Prize)
Tian Chad (1st R/Up)
Thristhan (2nd R/up)
Nicole (Msxeroz) (Most Creative Blog)
Iman (Eyriqazz) (Most Interactive Blog)
Dylan(Best write-up)
Norman @ KK (Best Video)
Feeq(Best Photos)
Was I disappointed not being one of the people in the pic?
*types the word disappointment in the search bar of my mind*
Nah. Not at all. Most probably I already told myself I wouldn't be winning.
In fact I was more than happy after the results were announced because........
it was time to DIG into GOOD FOOD!!

Yes. Delicious serves DELICIOUS food!

Alrights, and that's a wrap for the MSS story.
It was fun and it was memorable :)
Congratulations to the winners once again, and may we meet again in the near future!! *huggsss*
To the rest who weren't prize winners, sweat not, we're still winners, just no prize *winks*
Wen Yi
*and opps, I just realized I forgot to take my signature "sarangheyo" pose to end this post~~ *sorryyyyy*
Saturday, December 04, 2010
a FREE trip to JAPAN!!! 日本が大好^^
Yup. A free trip to Japan!!!!!
As you all know, I love free stuff; be it a pair of free movie ticket, or even a simple free meal (depending on what food is served of course :P). And right now, there's a contest for a FREE TOKYO TRIP thanks to a youth blogger whom I met during the MySelangorStory contest: SY who blogs at

So DO check out Sylistic’s travelogue today to win yourself a 7 days 5 night VIP Tokyo Trip for 2 !!!
Well as for me, I have obviously tried my luck in answering the contest questions and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the good news to arrive!!
But I'd just to share how looooooong my ねがい or wish to visit Japan has been!!!
It all started with Dragon Ball manga or comic books. lol.
My mum thought it'd be good for my brothers and I to read in Malay, and so she bought us the malay subbed Dragon Ball.
That led to us buying MORE and MORE mangas (still Malay subbed);

The manga-lover then became an anime-freak as well. If you haven't watched a Japanese animation before, you should. It's really wayyy better than watching Spongebob Square Pants on nickelodeon :P
Plus, japanese animation are almost always accompanied by GREAT soundtracks!!
All those fed my mind and soul with the ultimate desire to visit Japan one day.
In fact, I had wanted to learn Japanese by myself that I even bought a book that goes, "Teach yourself Japanese" and a mini Japanese-English dictionary!
My brothers both picked up Japanese while they are in university, and brought home this stack of Minna No Nihongo or Japanese for everyone!!

That was almost 4 years ago, and till today I have yet finished reading the book. LOL.
BUT when I win the FREE air ticket, I can fully utilize the dictionary :P
As you all know, I love free stuff; be it a pair of free movie ticket, or even a simple free meal (depending on what food is served of course :P). And right now, there's a contest for a FREE TOKYO TRIP thanks to a youth blogger whom I met during the MySelangorStory contest: SY who blogs at

So DO check out Sylistic’s travelogue today to win yourself a 7 days 5 night VIP Tokyo Trip for 2 !!!
Well as for me, I have obviously tried my luck in answering the contest questions and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the good news to arrive!!
But I'd just to share how looooooong my ねがい or wish to visit Japan has been!!!
It all started with Dragon Ball manga or comic books. lol.
My mum thought it'd be good for my brothers and I to read in Malay, and so she bought us the malay subbed Dragon Ball.
That led to us buying MORE and MORE mangas (still Malay subbed);
Great Teacher Onizuka (GTO)

The manga-lover then became an anime-freak as well. If you haven't watched a Japanese animation before, you should. It's really wayyy better than watching Spongebob Square Pants on nickelodeon :P
Plus, japanese animation are almost always accompanied by GREAT soundtracks!!
All those fed my mind and soul with the ultimate desire to visit Japan one day.
In fact, I had wanted to learn Japanese by myself that I even bought a book that goes, "Teach yourself Japanese" and a mini Japanese-English dictionary!

That was almost 4 years ago, and till today I have yet finished reading the book. LOL.
BUT when I win the FREE air ticket, I can fully utilize the dictionary :P

Sunday, November 21, 2010
I support Jayren!
What this all about?
Well, it's a blogging contest to win a Lenovo Laptop! *woots* But I'm not joining lah~
Instead, I'm giving my support to a fellow blogger : Jayren!

May he be the proud owner of a new Lenovo Laptop thanks to!
Well, it's a blogging contest to win a Lenovo Laptop! *woots* But I'm not joining lah~
Instead, I'm giving my support to a fellow blogger : Jayren!

May he be the proud owner of a new Lenovo Laptop thanks to!
Getting Glitz-y in Genting :)
I have been away from the blogosphere for way too long. And this time I'm not going to give any excuses. I'm just plain lazy. Period. LOL.
Nevertheless, it was a surprise to me when I got a call from Resort World Genting while I was at work, informing me that RWG have invited the My Selangor Story bloggers to Genting once again! This time around, was to catch their new show: Glitz!

I've been really tired after work lately as I have been moved to a different department in the hospital. Thus the invitation for Glitz on a Friday night came as a great reason for me to take half a day off from work :D
RWG was also gracious enough to provide return transportation from KL Central straight to Genting.
That's Denise and I on the bus heading to Genting. And look at the obvious toll that work has had on me. My eyebags are so darn obvious *sigh*
Plus, we got FREE buffet dinner as well! Despite only given a mere 30mins to go grab our food, we were all pretty much stuffed before the show.
Next was of course, the Glitzy performance which included:
Charles Bach, the magician and illusionist. There he is posing with a "peace-sign" with the MSS bloggers :D
HuaChen Acrobatic Group: A group of cute looking girls who'll amaze you with their acrobatic skills. In fact, I love the part whereby they balance "luo gus" or chinese drums using their feet and making the drums look like floating marshmallows on air!
Dania Pushankina: A sand animation artist. While there's nothing much to shout about her acts, I must really say that I salute her ability to draw so swiftly using sand. And what more is the fact that she can draw Michael Jackson really well :)
And my favourite group for Glitz has gotta be the sexy dancers of Glitz! Boy, they were really skimpy dressed. LOL!
After the show, we had 30minutes to spare.
So we grabbed a grande frap from Starbucks
and managed to take this group picture of the MSS bloggers before we departed from Genting.
It was fun to be meeting up with the bloggers once again :)
Hopefully I'll be able to balance my current life to fit in time for blogging, and perhaps then I'll catch you guys again at another blogging event. But if that fails, you know you can always come find me in the hospital *just kidding* :P
Till then,
p.s: I forgot my camera that day, thus all the pictures above were taken from fellow MSS bloggers :Feeq and Dylan. Do pay them a visit as they make good reads and have more pics :D
Nevertheless, it was a surprise to me when I got a call from Resort World Genting while I was at work, informing me that RWG have invited the My Selangor Story bloggers to Genting once again! This time around, was to catch their new show: Glitz!

I've been really tired after work lately as I have been moved to a different department in the hospital. Thus the invitation for Glitz on a Friday night came as a great reason for me to take half a day off from work :D
RWG was also gracious enough to provide return transportation from KL Central straight to Genting.

Plus, we got FREE buffet dinner as well! Despite only given a mere 30mins to go grab our food, we were all pretty much stuffed before the show.

Next was of course, the Glitzy performance which included:
Charles Bach, the magician and illusionist. There he is posing with a "peace-sign" with the MSS bloggers :D

Dania Pushankina: A sand animation artist. While there's nothing much to shout about her acts, I must really say that I salute her ability to draw so swiftly using sand. And what more is the fact that she can draw Michael Jackson really well :)
And my favourite group for Glitz has gotta be the sexy dancers of Glitz! Boy, they were really skimpy dressed. LOL!
After the show, we had 30minutes to spare.
So we grabbed a grande frap from Starbucks

Hopefully I'll be able to balance my current life to fit in time for blogging, and perhaps then I'll catch you guys again at another blogging event. But if that fails, you know you can always come find me in the hospital *just kidding* :P
Till then,
p.s: I forgot my camera that day, thus all the pictures above were taken from fellow MSS bloggers :Feeq and Dylan. Do pay them a visit as they make good reads and have more pics :D
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
PRP Battle No.1
I know I haven't been blogging for a looooong time, my apologies. I guess I was kinda pre-occupied with the fact that I started work and a new relationship at about the same time. So half the time goes to my work as a PRP. To those who masih tak tahu..PRP stands for provisionally registered pharmacist or to make it simpler, I'm sort of like a house-man pharmacist i.e. first year pharmacist who is still in the learning to become a licensed pharmacist :D
So, what are the perks of being a government servant?
Well other than the fact that we have a stable income, we do? I haven't gotten paid yet, but hey, that's because I've only been working for a month. In fact I just handed in my first punch card for the month of October yesterday! *wheeeeee*
Other than that, I get to use the special toilets with the sign.
And these toilets are almost always cleaner than the public ones where patients use :P
FYI, this is the current building which I am based in : Komplex Rawatan Harian.

It's one of the newer buildings in HTAR and it's fully air-conditioned! *whee*
Since it's a new building, so are the wards which are located there :D

Okay. So that above shows that my working life isn't all that bad :)
But bad news is this,
It's called the Forensic Exam whereby we have to study two or was it three books that covers the Laws on Poisons and Sale of Drugs in Malaysia. Boring stuff indeed. To make matters worse, apparently the passing mark is 50%
But thankfully, we're allowed to resit the paper :P
So to fellow PRPs who'd be sitting the exam on 22nd of November 2010
Here's an online link which I found for a zip file which contains:
- past year papers on the forensic exam
- some notes from the MPS and Biro Tutorial
- several slides on certain topics
So do download it here :)
And yes, it's free of virus. I downloaded the zip file, scanned it and have just browsed through some of the files :)
I guess I'll have to start morphing into a nerd so that I'll have time to enjoy my weekends with the boyfriend.
Wen Yi
p.s. I totally forgotten the fact that I actually have another pending job = PRP research project which I am supposed to come up with a proposal by the 3rd week of November. Meh.
So, what are the perks of being a government servant?
Well other than the fact that we have a stable income, we do? I haven't gotten paid yet, but hey, that's because I've only been working for a month. In fact I just handed in my first punch card for the month of October yesterday! *wheeeeee*
Other than that, I get to use the special toilets with the sign.

FYI, this is the current building which I am based in : Komplex Rawatan Harian.

It's one of the newer buildings in HTAR and it's fully air-conditioned! *whee*
Since it's a new building, so are the wards which are located there :D

Okay. So that above shows that my working life isn't all that bad :)
But bad news is this,
It's called the Forensic Exam whereby we have to study two or was it three books that covers the Laws on Poisons and Sale of Drugs in Malaysia. Boring stuff indeed. To make matters worse, apparently the passing mark is 50%
But thankfully, we're allowed to resit the paper :P
So to fellow PRPs who'd be sitting the exam on 22nd of November 2010
Here's an online link which I found for a zip file which contains:
- past year papers on the forensic exam
- some notes from the MPS and Biro Tutorial
- several slides on certain topics
So do download it here :)
And yes, it's free of virus. I downloaded the zip file, scanned it and have just browsed through some of the files :)
I guess I'll have to start morphing into a nerd so that I'll have time to enjoy my weekends with the boyfriend.
Wen Yi
p.s. I totally forgotten the fact that I actually have another pending job = PRP research project which I am supposed to come up with a proposal by the 3rd week of November. Meh.
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