The first performance was a Chinese Ribbon Dance!
A total of 8 pretty girls (myself included =P) performed the dance in the atrium on Weds.
I think the dance was pretty good considering the fact that we had only came out with the song and steps 2 weeks ago.
All the 8 of us were so excited about performing that we all got identical tops just for the performance!
Thankfully, the tops were very cheap!
Here's a picture of us along with our 'director', who has been so kind to take videos of us when we practiced so that we can correct our mistakes.
Back to the tops, guess how much do they cost?
come on...
it's less than rm20.. and that's the only figure i'm gonna give out. Lol^^ cause its so darn cheap that u wouldn't believe it.
Anyways, here are more pictures taken on that day =)
Here's my favorite picture!! Isn't it nice?
Quick..guess which are my hands?
This one is so so cool! LOoK CaReFulLy!!!!
My legs aren't touching the ground!!! I'm floating! LoL..
Back to the intercultural week, my 2nd performance was on Friday during the wedding night.
Unfortunately, I wasn't the bride. If I were, I would have scared away all the potential guys. Actually, I think I had already scared them all..esp since I had a super-large mole that day.
I will be uploading the videos taken soon =)
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