Sunday, June 29, 2008

Mega Mac~~~


That's exactly how big your mouth has to go when you want to get a bite off McD's Mega Mac.
With four beef patties, one has to have a fully expendable jaw in order to fit the whole burger in their mouth. A good example on how to eat it>>>>>>

LOL^^ and of course, after eating, you'll be as happy as THIS>>>>>
hehe^^ see my purple lenses?? It's purple I tell you!!!!!

Ya, I know it looks weird.
In fact I have received many weird comments on it, and sadly none of them went like....
"it's really nice" *sighh*

The comments usually went between the lines of...

" I don't dare to look at your eyes cause it's soo "shiny"

*sweat...* my eyes are shiny??

"Ya, it's really reflective.. like a mirror..."

*double sweats*

Well, friends, you'll be seeing these eyes till next year! (that is IF I manage to take good care of my lenses!!!)

Btw, I forgot to upload this picture of my housemates (with CY missing in action as she usually goes to class earlier than us ever since she got the post of treasurer in SRC....)

Note the two pair of heels, and then look at our height....
You'll be able to see where I'm getting ;p

Btw, the pictures were taken as our class had this day, with the theme of "Black and white". This is mainly because we wanted to take more class photos in order to have sufficient photos for our graduation booklet next year~~~ hehe^^


ButterfliesForDinner said...

OMG humanoid-snake!

WenYi said...

rwarr~~~~~ human + snake = shenyang~ hehe^^

renly said...

u really don't have to mention the heels u know!!

WenYi said...

hehe~ the heels prove a lot!!!!

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