Saturday, April 28, 2007
I was uploading the videos of the ribbon dance during Intercultural Week on YouTube,
the file was only about 70-80Mb,
BUT is took me almost an hour to upload! (maybe more than one hour too!!! *sigh*)
My uploading speed was only an average of 20Kb...Kb!!!!
Imagine my distress..-_-''
So I could only upload one darn video yesterday night.
I didnt even have the chance to upload the Chinese wedding video which I edited yesterday.
So earlier on, I wanted to upload the video.
To my horror, I realised that the maximum size for the video is 100Mb,
while the file which I saved was 132 Mb!!!!
What the #$%#^&...
SO much for my hardwork.
AND to make matters worse, I deleted my project file permanently.
So..I had to re-make a new project file using the final video I did..
and windows movie maker sliced the whole video up...-_-''
Maybe it's because I don't know what else to do...I told you I'm a Windows Movie Maker idiot didnt i? *double sigh*
So now, after redo-ing the whole thing,
I uploaded the video.
This time, the speed was MUCH slower..---> an average of 10kb/s
I'm practically rotting...
Idiots guide to Windows Movie Maker..
Because I don't even know how to save a video into wmv format!
It all began when I just logged into my msn.
My cousin Peiru called me Ah-ji; which is the character I played during the Intercultural Week in uni. Initially I was shocked, because I thought non-imu students will not watch the video...
Anyways, apparently she liked the video and wants to know the ending..
So, there I was trying to piece together the 3 videos which was taken using my friend's digicam.
All I did was:
1. Piece the 3 videos together
2. shorten some unimportant parts i.e arrangement of props on stage, etc
3. added a title at the beginning
Doing those simple 3 task took me hours!!!
Yes..I'm a noob *sigh* but at least I tried...
After I did all that, I saved the file and thought I would be able to play it in winamp or vlc player.
Lo and didn't. Because the file was a movie maker project file. -_-''
I panicked and tried saving it over and over again in a different format but couldn't figure it out.
So, I resorted to asking another friend. Whom I guess was shocked at my 'stupidity' in saving files.
After his guidance, I successfully saved the video in a wmv format!!! *cheers*
BUT, unfortunately I haven't uploaded the video as my uploading speed is darn slow.
Yup, I found my password for YouTube =)
Sunday, April 22, 2007
I'm getting old..
I had wanted to delete a video which I posted for the IMU intercultural week.
And in the video I look horrible and sound terrible too. Lol^^
so the thought of me scaring people wasn't pleasant at all, so I had wanted to delete it after I found out a former Intec friend posted a comment!
I tried to get my password, but somehow I couldn't because the system kept telling me that the verification code I keyed in is invalid!
Help me plz...
Oh well, since I won't be able to delete it for now, go check it out before I delete it.
I'm not going to give u the link cause I refuse to show the 'ah-ji' side of myself
i was bored, so i did this.. |
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Good Charlotte is in town but...
Read The Star and found a whole lot of bizarre news..
[1. A couple caught having sex in car.]
Now, apparently the police patrol car spotted them in action, and I guess they panicked.
so the guy drove away from the scene but unfortunately, they got involved in an accident and wham!
both were left naked in the car and the guy had to be admitted into a hospital.
Lol^^ i personally find it hilarious and when I checked The Star Online, this news was the most viewed.. this jz comes to show how powerful the word s-e-x is.Hehe^^
[2. A guy in Ipoh collected trash for 4 years.]
Now, that is seriously some dirty old man! According to the news, his place was SO Smelly that his neighbors complained to the city council!
It is so scary, especially after seeing the pictures of his house!
Apparently, the man's weird collecting habits began since his wife left him 3 years ago.
And so I came up with my own theory to explain the whole thing.
The man cannot live without his wife and was most probably caught up in his depressed state that he couldn't care less about his surroundings.
Yea..that's what happens when men get depressed. Well, at least its better than women. When women get depressed, they :-
1. either eat till they grow into the size of incredible hulk..most probably eating ice-creams and chocolates whole day in front of the tv.
2. get so depressed till they slash their own wrists, or find loads of pills and over-dose themselves, so that they'll disappear from the face of the planet.
Yup, more women kill themselves compared to men @ least that's what I think.
And in Friday's The Star,
was a news regarding a Cambodian elderly man who couldn't handle his urges and tried to 'do it' with a cow in the middle of the night.
The cow got frightened and kicked the old man whom later on died due to the injuries.
His grandson found the old man's naked body after hearing the sounds of a scuffle.
And apparently the old man had been divorced twice due to his 'insatiable' needs. Lol^^
Just before I came on9, I was doing some housework and when I wanted to take a short break, I found out that the movie, "A hitchhikers guide to the galaxy" was on air!! So I watched the comedy.
After that movie, I found out that a movie called the 'sleepwalkers' based on a Stephen King novel was showing in about 15mins! So I bathed and then watched the movie. Lol^^
So that was two movies back-to-back.
And after I watched the movie, I noticed that I had received an sms from my friend, asking about the Good Charlotte concert. And I replied her after more than 2 hours...
Anyways, main point was, by the time she replied, she was already at the concert while I was watching old movies. Lol^^
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Intercultural week~~
The first performance was a Chinese Ribbon Dance!
A total of 8 pretty girls (myself included =P) performed the dance in the atrium on Weds.
I think the dance was pretty good considering the fact that we had only came out with the song and steps 2 weeks ago.
All the 8 of us were so excited about performing that we all got identical tops just for the performance!
Thankfully, the tops were very cheap!
Here's a picture of us along with our 'director', who has been so kind to take videos of us when we practiced so that we can correct our mistakes.
Back to the tops, guess how much do they cost?
come on...
it's less than rm20.. and that's the only figure i'm gonna give out. Lol^^ cause its so darn cheap that u wouldn't believe it.
Anyways, here are more pictures taken on that day =)
Here's my favorite picture!! Isn't it nice?
Quick..guess which are my hands?
This one is so so cool! LOoK CaReFulLy!!!!
My legs aren't touching the ground!!! I'm floating! LoL..
Back to the intercultural week, my 2nd performance was on Friday during the wedding night.
Unfortunately, I wasn't the bride. If I were, I would have scared away all the potential guys. Actually, I think I had already scared them all..esp since I had a super-large mole that day.
I will be uploading the videos taken soon =)
Thursday, April 05, 2007
First of all, the only places that I have been around for these past few days were only limited to IMU and my apartment. -_-'' it's so boring that I feel half-dead.
To make matters worse, the ONLY television we have in the apartment decided to play dead with us for almost a day. There goes another source of entertainment we have.
Then, my pet-bro's dad passed away suddenly after a stroke. And I think I couldn't do much to ease his pain.
Anyways, I realised that I'm becoming less cheerful. One way or another I seemed to have morphed into a boring old lady -_-'' Sheesh...
Blah..and this is the 1st time that I actually blogged in campus away from the prying eyes of others. This is mainly because the computer lab (or E lab as we call it in IMU) has some minor problems with its air-conditioning; sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. AND, the blocked users from logging onto youtube and also their friendster account.